Ease rotator cuff shoulder pain in 4 steps…without surgery!

Gather 5 of your closest friends. No, your dog doesn't count. Go get one more human friend. Ok, got em? Brace yourself. Research shows that two out of the five have a rotator cuff tear.

And they probably DON'T have shoulder pain.


How is it possible to have a DAMAGED part of your body but not have terrible pain?

Here's how: pain comes from DANGER not DAMAGE.

If your brain perceives that something threatening is going on, you'll have pain 100% of the time. If your brain does not perceive a threat, even if you have damage, you won't have pain.

So before you go under the knife: consider this stat:

25% of rotator cuff surgeries fail to remain intact.

75% of patients have "sub-optimal" outcomes.

This means that MANY patients STILL have pain after surgery. Thats' because your shoulder pain might not be from your rotator cuff tear.

Here's my advice: exhaust ALL of your options before considering costly, side-effect laden, and potential ineffective surgery.

The human body is built with redundancies. So even with a torn rotator cuff, you may still have full range of motion, excellent strength and be able to do all you want to do. Pain free. Without surgery.

The same goes for other shoulder pain conditions…

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Biceps Tendonitis

  • Shoulder Impingement

  • Bone pain

  • Joint pain

  • Pinched nerves

  • And more…

Have you been diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff? Are you looking to avoid surgery? Maybe you've taken pills, done injections, or even PT somewhere else but it didn't work.

We've heard your story before and we can help. We've helped hundreds of Southern Californian’s with torn rotator cuffs get back to hitting tennis balls, tossing grandkids in the air and exercising with strong, pain-free shoulder.

Interested in seeing if Village PT is the right fit to help you regain full range of motion, pain-free shoulders?

Fill out the form below to apply for a FREE Shoulder pain, mobility, and strength assessment


Here are 4 causes of shoulder pain that CANT be found on an MRI...

1. Inflammation

The vast majority of shoulder pain we see is due, at least in part, to excessive inflammation.

Think you’re stuck with shoulder pain because you have arthritis or a torn rotator cuff?

Think again.

It’s not the arthritis or the tendon that gives you pain. It’s the sensitivity, stiffness and pinching from too much inflammation.

Inflammation likely won't go away if you have surgery! No matter what you’ve been told about your bones, tendons, muscles, ligaments and cartilage, excessive inflammation is the No. 1 contributor to the SYMPTOMS you ACTUALLY FEEL.

Over the years, we’ve seen thousands of success stories, and not a single person made a full recovery from shoulder pain without eliminating the following inflammation producing foods:

1) Vegetable Oil

2) Excessive Sugar and Carbohydrates

3) Excessive Food-Like Additives

Want to learn more, check out our Nutrition Page HERE.

2. Full Shoulder Range Of Motion

You can easily check your range of motion by reaching overhead. Can you get your bicep behind your ears without pain on both sides?

If not, you need to work on your range.

The bar hang is one of the single best exercises for training shoulder range.

Also, Ken, the guy above. He's lost 30 pounds since starting at Village 6 months ago. Strength training and simple nutrition works, folks.

Exercises like the bar hang can create remodeling of bones, tendons, and ligaments. They can give your shoulder joint the space it needs for healthy movement.

Feel free to start with your feet on the ground or a box and slowly work towards the goal of 30" hanging 30" rest X 5.

3. Poor Shoulder movement patterNs

Moving your arm requires a coordinated symphony of movement between your ribcage, shoulder blade, and arm bone. Much like an orchestra, if one instrument is not doing it's job, the whole song sounds terrible.

You can use exercises like the wall slide below to get all the players playing the same song.

4. Weak shoulder Strength

Strong people have less shoulder pain. The stronger you are, the lower your sensitivity to anything. Let's say lifting a grandkid overhead brings on your shoulder pain. Now imagine you get twice as strong using an exercise like the press. Now, lifting a grandkid won't even come close to crossing the threshold of pain.

The key with strength exercises is to start with light weights and to progress very slowly.

If you're ready to get help with your shoulder pain, fill out the form below and we can connect!

Interested in seeing if Village PT is the right fit to help you regain full range of motion, pain-free shoulders?

Fill out the form below to apply for a FREE Shoulder pain, mobility, and strength assessment


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