Unlock the Secrets of Your Brain to Achieve Unprecedented Fitness and Weight Loss with These Simple Hacks!

Friends of mine have an incredibly cute toddler named Judah.

While watching her recently, I realized how active she is.

She jumps

She spins

She dances

She crawls

and she runs

And she does it all without ever ceasing giggling and grinning ear to ear.

She just kept going!

...longer than I had energy to do it with her!

Why do kids not only move a lot, but smile while doing it?

Simple: it feels good.

But the opposite is true for adults as they age.
Less movement

Less smiling


Simple: it doesn’t feel good.

Psychologically, our behavior are reinforced by rewards and deterred by punishments.

Thus, when kids move and get rewarded by good feelings they are conditioned to do it again.

And what about adults over age 40?

When we move, we are "punished" by aches, pains, exhaustion and injuries.

We become conditioned to avoid it.

Have you been struggling to establish healthy habits like regular exercise? It might not be your fault!

It also might not be your fault if you’ve been turning to unhealthy foods for comfort.

The subconscious parts of your brain are simply trying to maintain a stable experience... The brain is seeking reward and avoiding punishment.

Now, just because it’s not your fault doesn’t mean you can’t hack into your subconscious to change it.

Let’s play this out a little with Fitness and Food behaviors...

1) Fitness

Recognize that what your body wants is to feel good, but what your brain wants is any kind of reward.

So how can we "reward" our brains with fitness?

Working with a fitness professional who...

  • praises you for your work

  • jokes around and makes you laugh.

  • cares about your life and makes you feel like you matter…

…are all ways to “hack” your brain into getting rewarded for exercising... even when the exercise itself does not.

It’s also helpful to have an expert teaching you the right form to prevent punishments such as injuries!

Looking to work with an expert here at Village to take back your health?

Fill out the form below to inquire about cost and availability in our programs…

2) Food

Your stomach wants pleasurable foods...


Your brain wants ANY kind of reward (not just food)...

Be proactive and choose rewards that contribute to your health.

For example...

Instead of going to a restaurant at which you have a poor track record of unhealthy decisions...

Book a massage/bodywork session.

Instead of rewarding yourself with a trip to the snack drawer at home...

Reward yourself with a hot shower/ bath/ nap!

Better yet, ask a loved one for a hug, kiss, joke, back scratch or even a high five.

Participating in a health challenge with a friend can also hack your brain... shared experiences tend to be rewarding, even if the experience itself involves suffering!

Looking for a nutrition challenge to help you take control of your nutrition? Fill out the form below to learn more about our Accelerated Nutrition Coaching Program here at Village…

3) Bonus

Sometimes it’s not as easy as trading out one reward for another.

Sometimes we need to hack a different part of our brain:

The part that determines how high or low the bar is for reward.

This is particularly important when pleasurable behavior has escalated in an addictive manner.

Addiction is characterized by increasing levels of stimulus required to yield the same reward.

Ever found yourself in a pattern of increasingly unfavorable behavior?

One of the best ways to hit the reset button on your nervous system is deliberate exposure to a short term stressor...

Such as a cold shower.

Essentially what happens is that the stressful event makes the subconscious brain feel like you’re going to die.

If you’ve ever taken a cold shower or ice bath, you know what I’m talking about.

The amazing part happens once you end the stress. The brain is so happy to be alive that it’s unconcerned with all previous stressors.

It rewards you with a bevy of feel-good neurochemicals to reinforce the behavior that kept you from dying.

Of course, your conscious brain was in charge of the whole event...

...and as a result you were never in danger of dying.

But your subconscious brain doesn’t know that. And that’s precisely why its a brain-hack!

“This sounds hard. Does it ever get easier?”


As your body gets stronger and healthier, movement will once again become intrinsically rewarding.

It will become something you not only need to do, but something you want to do.

As for food, two things should happen...

First, you’ll get better at cooking healthy food that is actually delicious. Frying and sweetening aren’t the only ways to make mouth-watering meals!

Second, your tastebuds will eventually change their preference away from processed foods.

It’s a lot easier to avoid candy, chips, dips, and fast-food when all you taste is unbalanced sweetness and chemicals!

It may take as little as a few weeks or as long as a year to really experience the change, but soon enough you will start to feel more like a kid again.

Whether you tire out your friends and family with all your newfound energy is up to you....


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